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A before and after school program offered by 菠菜网lol正规平台

The Kids’ Club program provides quality experiences, 陪伴, 活动, supervision and guidance to school age children.  Each of these attributes is so important to a child’s well-being. 

Our belief is that the school age years are critical to the lives of young children.  As each child develops and grows, it is essential that opportunities to meet social, 情感, 物理, and intellectual needs are provided. 

Additionally, it is our belief that all children have dignity and self-worth.  They grow best in a supportive environment where they can make positive choices, work with their peers, develop a positive self-image, and respect themselves and others.

The Kids’ Club is housed at 10 elementary school campuses where the child attends.  This allows the program an optimum opportunity to function as an extension of the instructional school day, the immediate family, 和社区.  The program enriches the student’s day in a variety of ways such as, 艺术探索, science 活动, cooking 活动, and outdoor recreational 活动.  也, there is a Homework Club where students are encouraged to complete their daily schoolwork in a quiet environment.

Childcare is provided on a traditional school year calendar and a summer program is offered at limited sites.  Kids’ Club is available to students in kindergarten to 5th grade.  The student must be enrolled at the school where a Kids’ Club is offered.  It is a parent-paid program. 

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call Shannon McCone, 经理, at (562) 627-1022, 扩展296, 297, or 299.

孩子们的俱乐部 Online Payment

学校 主管 电话
Bixby 艾拉Enciso (562) 498-5718
克利夫兰 香农Vaca (562) 425-2258


麦迪逊 Velasquez (562) 497-1838
爱默生 Marivi利纳雷斯 (562) 429-5238
弗里蒙特 凯莉·范·弗利特 (562) 856-2751
甘特图 Jimmitra Crawford (562) 493-5197
亨利 Ashlene Clinco (562) 420-2168
洛厄尔 麦迪逊利贡 (562) 434-7968
纽科姆 莱西罗杰斯 (562) 430-7104
普利斯科 埃里森·汤普森 (562) 493-0818
吐温 珍妮特鲁伊斯 (562) 425-7443